Class Implementation - MotionProcessor
Creates a WebSocket server and starts listening for incoming MotionData messages
| public void startListening() { ... }
Stops the WebSocket server and stops listening for incoming MotionData messages
| public void stopListening() { ... }
Parses an incoming WebSocket message packet and processes the data.
The data that is accepted is a string that can be of the following formats:
| // Sending data
"data accelerationX;accelerationY;accelerationZ;rotationX;rotationY;rotationZ" // all values are floats
// Changing the sample rate
"sampleRate rate" // rate is an integer
// Calibrating the zero point
"zero x;y;z" // x, y, z are floats
| public void parsePacket(@NotNull String message) { ... }
Processes the provided MotionData object, uses it as a relative path point, and calls the
motionDataEventHandler with the calculated vector.
| public void addMotionData(MotionData data) { ... }
Sets the gesture path to the provided path.
| public void setGesturePath(GesturePath gesturePath) { ... }
Updates the relative path to the provided path.
| public void setRelativePath(List<Vector3> relativePath) { ... }
Sets the motionDataEventHandler to the provided handler.
| public void setMotionDataEventHandler(Consumer<Vector3> consumer) { ... }
Calculate the relative vector given a MotionData object.
This converts relative acceleration and rotation to a vector, taking the
sample rate into account.
| public Vector3 getRelativeVector(MotionData motionData) { ... }
Get a list of error values given the provided GesturePath.
This compares the relative path (calibrated) to the provided path segments,
and returns the offsets.
| public List<Double> getErrors(GesturePath referencePath) { ... }
public List<Double> getErrors() { ... } // Using pre-set path
Get the error offset of the provided vector to the provided path, or with the
set path.
This compares a given vector to the provided GesturePath object.
| public double getError(GesturePath path, Vector3 referencePoint) { ... }
public double getError(Vector3 referencePoint) { ... } // Using pre-set path
Get the average error offset of the relative path and the provided GesturePath object.
| public double getAverageError(GesturePath referencePath) { ... }
public double getAverageError() { ... } // Using pre-set path
Logs statistics to the console
| public void logStatistics(GesturePath referencePath) { ... }